5 wellbeing hacks to lift you up when you’re feeling down

Everyone has those days where nothing seems to go to plan. It’s a domino effect. You wake up cranky, spill your coffee all over the kitchen floor, arrive to work late then jumble your words during your presentation—we’ve all been there.

Down days are inevitable and perfectly normal, but the good news is, it’s easy to turn your mood around. Here are some tips to help you pick yourself back up when you're in a slump.

1. Spend some time in nature

According to a Harvard study, going outside has been proven to boost your mood. In fact, getting some fresh air has lots of health benefits, including improved concentration, increased vitamin D uptake and enhanced mental health. 

Whether you’re sitting outside with a book or going on a leisurely stroll, take in some nature for an instant mood lift. And if you need some lovely trails to try out, look no further.

2. Move your body

Physical activity is another proven way to boost your mood, as it releases endorphins and serotonin to give you that happy feeling.

Moving your body will also help clear your mind, as certain exercises require a lot of focus. Some even say that exercise puts them into a flow state, where they become one with what they’re doing. 

If you only have a few minutes to spare, it’s enough to even do a couple of sit-ups or pace around your room, as any movement is better than no movement. And if you have a bit more time on your hands, go for a long walk or bike ride to lift your spirits. 

3. Massage 

Did you know that your mental tension is actually held in your body? In fact, stress is commonly held in your lower back, head, neck and shoulders

That’s why massages are such great stress relievers, as they eliminate tension from your body. Relaxing your body relaxes your mind, so if you need to de-stress, book in a well deserved massage.

4. Spend some time with friends and loved ones

One of the best ways to kill a bad mood is to spend time with people that make you happy. Even if it's just over the phone, getting in some quality time with your friends and family will help you feel realigned. 

It’s also a good idea to talk about your feelings. Often, talking about your mood out loud helps you release pent up negativity, and you may even realise your situation isn’t as bad as it seems.

Next time you’re feeling blue, organise a social catch up, or have dinner with your family. The company of your nearest and dearest has therapeutic properties, and is guaranteed to make you feel better.

5. Do something you enjoy

If you’re coming out of a stressful day, nothing is more relaxing than taking some time for yourself. Whether it be watching your favourite show, running a hot bath, ordering some takeout or going to the shops, doing something you enjoy will instantly lift your mood. 

Self care can be a game changer, so don’t forget to schedule in time to relax and do the things that make you feel calm. Living a well-balanced life will help you keep your spirits high, even when you’re feeling blue.

Stuck in a rut? Check out our inspiration edit, that’s guaranteed to take you to your happy place.

About the author

This guest post was written by Laura Stupple — writer at content marketing agency, LJSCONTENT. 


